Thursday, October 28, 2010

Teenagers and Gangs

This essay about why teenagers join gangs is a very good subject. I can described it better than anyone because I joined a gang at a young age . I am currently no longer active in the gang life and have a new perspective of life and how I want to live it.

My reasons for joining a gang may be different from others but this is my story and why I did what I did.

Well I was born June 5, 1993 here in Albuquerque New Mexico. I was born into a good loving family. Well life was awesome. My family lived here in the south valley and things could not be better. I had an awesome mother and father and 3 sisters and 1 brother and 2 step brothers. It was that kind of family you see in movies were you have family dinners and watched movies together and that stuff. Well things quickly changed after my mom married my dad. He would get mad for everything that happened and started punching walls scarying everyone in the house. After awhile he started hitting me and older brother. he didn’t hit us a lot and never hit us in the face but still I was only like fucking six. Anyway we never spoke a word about him abusing us because we knew he would do worse if we told on him. The images of him and his anger outbursts are tattooed on my mind forever. After too many calls to the police my mom had enough of him and his anger and filed for divorce.

After the divorce I didn’t see my dad as much as I wanted to because he always cancelled on me. He always said he would make it up to me and pick me up next weekend but that was always cancelled also. I was so mad at him for always blowing me off. I mean come on dude im like nine or ten I want my dad! I got really hurt from that. But I soon would find out something even worse that would spark my interest in joining a gang.

One day while my mom was talking to my dad on the phone about him coming and picking me up. I ran to the other room and picked up the other line to listen. What I heard next confused me. I heard my mom say, “you need to stop promising you will come pick him up!". That’s when my dad replied, why should I take care of something thats not mine!” My heart stopped! What did he mean by that!? I dropped the other phone and ran to my mom. By the time I got to her they had already ended the conversation. I told her I was listening and herd what he said. She looked surprised and told me she would tell me tomorrow. The rest of the day and that night I thought of all the possibilities of what he could have meant by that. Keep in mind I was only like nine so I didn’t really know what to think.  The next day I went to my mom and said, "tell me now!". She looked at me and told me, "Michael is not your real dad". He is actually your step dad but he came into your life when you were three and he wanted to be your dad". What the fuck!!??????? My mind went blank. This man I knew my whole life was not even really my dad. What a disappointment. That’s when things changed and I didn’t care about anything. I was lied to my whole life. And now who could I trust? My mom told me that my real dad was not a good person. He was into selling drugs and into gangs.

When I went back to school I didn’t care anymore. I was the biggest cowboy ever. When I went back to school there these kids who were going through the same problems I was going through. I thought that these kids are the ones I should be hanging out with. These kids were lil gangsters. I was in 3rd grade. Now a lot of people will say 3rd grade! Thats too young to be in a gang. Well it happens sorry to say. Soon after hanging with my new friends I started acknowledging that I was from that hood. Hood is slang for gang. Anyway to prove I was down for the hood I had to show respect for it. So at recess me and two other kids went on a mission and tagged up three bathrooms for the next week every day. One day we finally got caught and the sheriffs were called the school. I was so scared because my mom was a teacher at my school so punishment came as quick as I was caught. They were gunna take us to jail but since we were still babies all we had to do was clean it up. A slap on the wrist!

The next year was a lil crazier. I started fighting people at school. Im just gunna be honest right here. I lost most my fights just in case you were wondering. After this my mom sent me to a Christian school where things got a lot better for me for awhile. Then I left there and started up again with drama.

Anyway problems escalated over the years for awhile until my older brother knocked some sense into me. Literally. I finally realized that what my ex-stepdad did to us only made me and my family stronger. I realized getting into that gang shit was not worth it. I am a better person and will accomplish so much in my life. And from what happen to me I will be the best dad in the world. I promise that.

A lot of other things happened when I was rolling with that hood but this essay is not about my life just what made me turn to gangs. And why I did was disappointment and family issues. That’s it!!  Take care of your family and be there for them no matter what. Inside my head I was hurting but I never talked to anyone and thats why it happen . My family could not see my pain because I didn’t let it show. If I would have things would have been different. I never wanted that life but its over and im a new person.

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