Thursday, October 14, 2010

Psychology of Bullying (1000 word essay)

The essay im gunna write about is the case of Jamie Nabozny who was bullied for being gay. Since Jamie was 7 he knew he was gay,but didnt come forward about his being gay until 7th grade. Thats when things started to go bad. Students from jamies classes started to call him names and soon words turned into actions. Jaime went to high school thinking things would be better and people would forget about him being gay. The exact opposite happened tho. The problem esculated and the bullies went to harshed actions and things got real phyisical. Jaimie ran away,tried commiting suicide and so many other ways out to try to stop the abuse ,because the schools administrators were not protecting him. After he had enough he was given the advice to file a lawsuit and take the people to court who did not stand up for Jamie. This does not just go for gays but for everyone getting bullied. No one should be abused for who they are even if people dont agree with that. All schools need to be a safe haven for kids and schools need to inforce these anti-bully rukes and take them seriously. 

Jamie Nabozny from age of seven knew he was gay. The only other person who knew this was his grandmother. Jaime was very secretive about his sexuality. When he was in 7th grade he became open about him being gay. Thats when the trouble started. Children at his school started teasing him and it soon became physical. They were tripping Jamie,hitting him and even throwing objects at him. Jamie was so stressed and afraid of being at school.

 One day Jamie went home and went to the bathroom and took alot of pills hoping he would fall asleep and never wake up. Once injesting the pills Jamie became scared and realized he didnt want to die and ran to his mother. His mother rushed Jamie to the hospital quickly were he got his stomache pumped. After that Jamie was checked into a psychiatric hospital. Later after leaving the pyschiatric hospital Jamie returned to his middle school in 8th grade. Things escolated even more and the bulling repeated.

High school. Jamie hoped people would forget about him being gay and just leave him alone and maby fit in this high school enviroment. Well Jamie soon found out he was wrong. The bullies didnt forget. One day while Jamie was using the urinal at school. A group of boys came into the restroom and saw jamie and the bulling started. The boys surrounded Jamie and pushed him into the urinal when another boy started to pee on Jamie. The abuse was on another level. Jamie started hiding with his books at school so that the bullies could not find him. Well one day Jamie didnt hide well enough and the boys found him. One boy approched Jamie and told him to fight him. Jamie told the boy that he would not fight him and he ignored the boys. The boy who wanted to fight him kicked the books Jamie had out of his hands. When jamie bent over to pick up his books the boy repeatlly kicked Jamie in his side. After the beating the boy bent down and whispered to Jamie,"If you tell anybody ill kill you"!.

 Frightened from the beating Jamie went home packed his things and ran away. He left a note for his mother explaining he was leaving and never coming back. His parents quickly packed and headed for the big city. They guessed Jamie would be there. Posting "missing" posters on every pole,bus stops and just every where they thought someone who was running away might be. Jamie came upon a shelter and later that day his parents called the shelter looking for him. A lady from the shelter told his parents that he was here and she told Jamie that his parents were going to come visit him. When his parents arrived there was alot of emotions. Jamie hugged his parents and was so happy to see them. His mother said if he came back that they would get him home schooling and he wouldnt have to go back to the high school. Soon after being home his parents told Jamie that they couldnt aford to pay for home schooling. So he returned to the high school. 

Jamie ran away again. This time he told his parents to let him stay out there or they would have to wait to see him until he turned 18. With his parents not having much of a choice they let him go. While he was out there it was advised to him that he should file a law suit against the school district. Jamie talked this over with his parents and confirmed that they would go and file the law suit. After the case was dismissed they didint give up and finally the case went to trail.One boy who bullied Jamie confessed all that he and the other boys had done. A parent of another bully also comfirmed she had benn contacted about her son bullying Jamie.  

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